
Dear members,
Hopefully, your exams went well and you can enjoy a weekend of winding down before your study starts again. The board wants to thank everyone who was present during our first GMA. Your input really helps this organization to improve. Furthermore, it is always a great opportunity to meet other people who want to promote the protection of human rights globally!
The beginning of Autumn is also a new moment for AISN to plan many exciting activities. The Action Committee is busy with social activities and a protest, and so is the Lecture and Debate Committee. This means that you will see AISN around campus more this month.
We are always looking for new members, so be sure to spread the word. You can now also apply to be chair of the Lecture and Debate Committee, Social Committee and Book and Film Club. If you want to have a little taste of what this task would look like before applying, make sure to help out the Writing Committee. Contact one of the board members if you would like to get more information.
We can’t wait to see you around!
Kind regards, Rozelijn van Gurp, Heleen ter Horst, Floris Griep and Job Veltman
We can’t wait to see you around!
Kind regards, Rozelijn van Gurp, Heleen ter Horst, Floris Griep and Job Veltman